No. Your income potential is truly limitless!
2. Is there a monthly fee?
No. For a one-time cost of $350.00, you will receive the virtual Lifestyle Card in your back office. With your unique BVnumber, you will have access to a full year of educational travel tips and discounted products and services. After one year you can renew and continue to enjoy full benefits for only $39.95 per year.
3. What methods are available for purchasing my BonVoyage1000 Lifestyle Card?
How can I deposit funds into my back office for Pay Forward?
To purchase you own BonVoyage1000 Lifestyle card you can use a Solid Trust Pay, Alert Pay, or Liberty Reserve balance for instant Membership, you can Wire Transfer Funds or Direct Deposit (USA only) to our Bank of America Account or you can mail a Cashier's Check or Money Order to our CA office.
If you choose Solid Trust Pay you can use your available balance in an existing Solid Trust Pay account to pay instantly.
If you choose AlertPay you can use your available balance in an existing AlertPay account to pay instantly. If you don't have an AlertPay account, you will be creating a free AlertPay account
If you choose Liberty Reserve you can use your available balance to purchase the BonVoyage1000 Membership immediately.
If you choose Wire Transfer, the bank account information is provided when you make that selection. The bank information is also included below for your convenience. Complete your transaction by faxing a copy of the bank receipt with the Name and username of the person to be activated to 800-774-0975 (fax) or send a pdf copy as an attachment to
Company Information
Name: BonVoyage1000 LLC
Address: 15127 NE 24th Street, Suite 465 Redmond, WA 98052
Name : Bank of America
Account : 2470273064
Wire Transfer# : 026009593
Address: 7700 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92009
Total Amount: $380.00 USD ($350 Membership + $30 Wire Transfer fee)
Wire Transfer (Outside USA):
Name : Bank of America
Account : 2470273064
Address: 7700 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92009
Total Amount: $380.00 USD ($350 Membership + $30 Wire Transfer fee
Please Note: On any wire transfer less than $1000, you need to include an extra $30 to cover the fees or we will have to deduct the $30 from the amount you sent us. For individual membership please wire $380 ($350 + $30). Complete your Wire Transfer transaction by faxing a copy of the receipt with your reference# and the "username" of the activated position to 800-774-0975 (fax) or send a pdf copy as an attachment to
Once you are a paid member of BonVoyage1000 you can deposit money into your back office to be used to Pay Forward for unpaid members. The minimum deposit is $50. Initiate the transaction by logging into your back office and clicking on My Account ????? Deposit. Choose Bank Wire Transfer, Direct Deposit (USA only), Cashier?????s Check/Money Order, or Western Union. The instructions are the same as explained above. When the funds are received in our account we will upload them to your back office and you can use them to Pay Forward. Note: The funds you send can only be loaded to your back office. We cannot deposit funds sent by you into any account other than yours.
4. Can I have more than one matrix at a time?
No. As soon as your current matrix fills you are automatically moved to the top of a new one. You can cycle as fast and as often as you can fill a matrix!
5. Can I refer more than two people to fill up my matrix?
Absolutely! The more people you refer, the greater chance you have of multiple cycles and increased revenues.
Note: Each position in your matrix is identified as Member or Marketer.
Member means they have not yet sponsored another Member.
Marketer means they have personally sponsored at least one new Member.
6. Do I have to personally sponsor 2 people to be eligible for commission?
You are 100% qualified and earn $1000 commissions when you have 2 direct referrals.
Note: Direct referrals show up in blue and spill shows up in yellow on each matrix.
7. How long does it take to receive my BonVoyage1000 Lifestyle Card?
Your Lifestyle card is delivered via your back office immediately! You will find it under Product - Travel Center.
You are assigned a BV number as soon as your purchase is completed and it shows up on your back office home page. This number is also entered on the virtual card found on your back office Travel Center page and can be used to book travel immediately at your Travel Center located at
You can print the card from your back office. You also have the option to take physical delivery of the card from the Travel Center - find the link to order in your back office on the Travel Center page under the picture of your Lifestyle card.
8. How do I get paid? How does the Pay Forward work?
The BonVoyage1000 Loyalty Rewards Program will reward you commissions for personal cycles once you qualify by sponsoring 2 direct referrals.
Your commission status and balance can be reviewed by clicking on My Account, History in your back office.
If you have available commissions there will be a positive balance at the bottom of the History page labeled Total Available Amount for Withdrawal.
You can then choose to Withdraw it or use it to Pay Forward for an unpaid member. Note: you can only Pay Forward if you have a Total Available Amount for Pay Forward of at least $350.
If you choose to Withdraw, first make sure you have set up your withdraw selection correctly.
You can receive your commission via Direct Deposit (USA only), Bank Wire Transfer, or Liberty Reserve. In your back office under Get Started- Setup Withdraw please select your choice. Then fill out the required information regarding your bank account if you choose Bank Wire Transfer or Direct Deposit. Enter your Liberty Reserve account number if you made that selection.
Now click on Withdrawal on the History page or select My Account, Withdraw and specify the amount of your available commission (minimum $100) you want released to you. If all information is correct your Withdrawal request will be processed on the 5th business day after your Withdrawal request date. Note: Saturday and Sunday are not business days.
Please note: once you submit a Withdrawal request you cannot reverse this request nor change the details or method of withdrawal payment before the withdrawal is processed.
A Pending commission status means you have submitted a Withdrawal request and your commission will be processed on the 5th business day after the Withdrawal request date. Note: Saturday and Sunday are NOT business days.
A Submitted commission status means a wire transfer or direct deposit was submitted to your bank and we are waiting for the status. It will change to completed if accepted by your bank or rejected with a reason if not accepted.
A Rejected commission status means some information regarding your commission payment processor is incorrect. The commission will be returned to the Total Available Amount for Withdrawal. You will need to correct the information in your back office before submitting another Withdrawal request.
If your bank returns a bank wire or direct deposit due to incorrect routing or account information, the amount returned by the bank, which will be the original commission less bank fees, will be returned to your Total Available Amount for Withdrawal.
A Hold commission status indicates an issue. If your commission is on hold and you do not know why, contact us via a support ticket and we will advise.
If you choose to Pay Forward, click the Pay Forward selection on the History page or select My Account, Pay Forward and enter the username for whom you would like to pay. This will now show as a separate transaction on your History page. The person you are paying for will now be able to accept and complete the transaction by logging into his/her back office and clicking on Submit. The Pay Forward transaction will come up immediately for them. If they navigate away from it and want to get back they click on Get Started, Set up Pay Forward.
If you have deposited additional funds into your back office, that amount will be added to Total Available Amount for Pay Forward.
If you change your mind before the Pay Forward transaction is accepted you can cancel it by clicking on the x next to the transaction on your History page.
The Pay Forward transaction will expire if it is not accepted within 7 days. Once the Pay Forward transaction is accepted it cannot be reversed.
Please note: it is the responsibility of both the payer and the payee to make sure the unpaid member is registered under the correct sponsor. You may pay for someone you did not directly sponsor and they can accept payment from someone other than their direct sponsor, however once the position is activated sponsorship cannot be changed.
9. Do I have to provide my SSN or EIN in order to get paid?
We require Tax ID information from our Lifestyle cardholders who are residents of the United States of America. You are an independent marketer and responsible for keeping appropriate records and paying applicable taxes due in your jurisdiction.
10. Will I be able to book travel for my friends?
You are welcome to invite your friends and family along with you on a condo or cruise vacation. The BonVoyage1000 Lifestyle cardholder who books the travel must be on site to check in.
11. What if I don't see a condo available for the location I desire?
The Travel Center has many more condos available than are able to be displayed on the website. It is always a good idea to submit a Vacation Request with as much detail as possible. Let your personal travel agent find the perfect location for you! There is more information regarding the Travel Center in your back office.
12. I didn't get my Hot Weeks email. What can I do?
First, make sure you add to your email contacts. Check to be sure the email did not go to a spam folder. Keep in mind that if you have an email filter system that requires the sender to register or fill out a code in order for the email to get through - the Travel Center is not going to register. They will just ignore the request and you will not receive the weekly email.
If you are still not receiving the emails visit and click on Vacation Request along the right side of the home page. Enter your name and email address and check the box at the bottom of the page that says "Yes, please sign me up for your Travel Newsletter...." That way you will be sure the travel center has your correct email address.
We also post the Hot Weeks on the product page so you can check there. There are more Hot Weeks available than are listed on the weekly email so if you are ready to travel, call the Travel Center on Wednesday at 1pm EST, find out what is available, and book it!
13. How do the free cruise certificates and free hotel certificates work?
As of 1-1-11 the cruise and hotel certificates have been discontinued. The following information applies to residents of the USA and Canada who joined BonVoyage1000 in 2010.
The Cruise Certificate is an extra gift we offered in 2010. The cruise certificate was delivered electronically in the back office on the Product: Cruise Certificate page. It is not administered by our Travel Center - it is administered by a third party vendor. The link to register your cruise is in your back office. You may give your cruise certificate to another person however the person who is going to use the certificate must register it.
Once registered the cruise can be booked as soon as space is available and you will have 12 months to book the cruise. The 30 day registration deadline has been waived for our members. We recommend that you register the cruise only when/if you are ready to book the cruise.
This popular 2 night/3 day cruise sails from the Port of Palm Beach, Florida to Grand Bahama Island and back on the Caribbean Cruise Line. It is subject to $59/person port charge and government tax. Transportation to and from the port is not included and onboard you will be responsible for alcohol and mandatory gratuities.
We have recently become aware that the administration of the certificate was sold to a timeshare promotion company. The new company is using recipients of the certificates as leads and aggressively attempting to up-sell them into a larger cabin, extended island stay, or longer cruise. Anyone who accepts the upgrade is then obligated to a timeshare presentation. It was never our intention to subject our members to a timeshare presentation - our members deserve better than that! Forewarned is forearmed - we wanted to be sure you know what to expect if you plan to redeem the cruise.
The Hotel Vacation Certificate is an extra gift we offered in 2010. The hotel certificate was delivered electronically in your back office on the Product: Hotel Certificate page. It is not administered by our Travel Center - it is administered by a third party vendor. If you click on the picture of the Hotel Certificate in your back office you can download the entire Certificate with instructions as to how to redeem. There is no need to register the certificate. There are additional offers on the certificate so feel free to take advantage of $1000 of coupons from and a companion airfare.
Please note: The Cruise Certificate and Hotel Certificates can only be redeemed by residents of the USA and Canada. You may give the certificates as gifts to anyone who lives in the USA or Canada.
14. Can I purchase more than one BonVoyage1000 Lifestyle card for myself?
No. Your BonVoyage1000 Lifestyle card gives you access to the complete product. There is no need to own more than one.
15. Can I transfer my BonVoyage1000 Lifestyle card to someone else?
No. Your BonVoyage1000 Lifestyle card is unique to you.
16. Is there an age requirement?
Yes, you must be at least 18 years of age. If your state/country requires a higher minimum age to enter a legally binding contract - that higher age will apply.
17. How are refunds handled?
There are no refunds allowed. When you buy the Lifestyle Card you are purchasing access to information and discount travel and you have access to those benefits as soon as you complete the purchase.